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Looking for some Technical Help. Doesn't matter if you work for a heat exchanger company or you are a buyer or just curious about heat exchangers, our technical board team and our admin team will do our best to answer your questions. Also you may get a response from the public this will be reviewed by our admin team. Post anonymously or with your own name. Just type in Anon if you don't want you details to be publicised (we cant see your email address)

We are currently seeking board members to help out with technical expertise to help answer questions our community post.

Benefits will include free advertising space for the company you work for.

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14 thoughts on “FAQ

  • Peter

    Can any fabrication company build an heat exchanger? Or are their certain requirements?

    View all 1 replies

      Heat Exchangers have to be manufactured in accordance with PED or ASME depending on where heat exchangers are going. In general terms if you follow the PED or ASME procedures then yes you can, however when you get into manufacturing you will find that their is more to an heat exchanger that what you think and we would highly recommend using a HEX manufacturer or ask to collaborate with them.

  • Roger Cameron

    I see that the global Heat Exchanger market is £16bn. How has this changed over recent years and what is the forecasted growth rates for the market? Could you also let me know the same data for the UK market? Many thanks

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  • Roger Cameron

    Can you advise me as to 1) what the current size of the UK Heat Exchanger market is and 2) what is the forecasted annual growth to say 2030

    Thank you

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  • Tom

    Gasketed or Brazed? PHE

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    • Admin

      This depends on multiple factors Budget, mediums (fluids) pressures etc. Send your requirements to one of the manufacturers listed they will advise you both the pros and cons of each type depending on your circumstances

  • Tom

    How do i know which heat exchanger company to use for what products.

    View all 1 replies
    • Admin

      This can be tricky has you have multiple heat exchanger companies some who manufacture certain products while re-selling other people products. Some who just sell and some who just manufacture. email us with the type of heat exchanger you are looking for and we will give you a list of companies who specialize in that certain product. If you have a company you already use than using the same company to source and advise a heat exchanger can also be advantageous as they will get better discounts and understand the quality you are getting for your money.

  • Anonymous

    We are having problems welding tube ends. They are popping when welding.

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    • Admin

      Assuming the welding setup is ok. The most common cause is not cleaning the tubes. wipe down with thinners or similar to ensure the tubes are free from oil. Same Goes for the tube plate.

  • Craig

    Can you please show me a simple way to calculate kW i have water cooling from 90-80Deg C. The flow rate of my pump is 10l/sec.

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    • Admin

      1kg/s of water is = 1ll/s
      Water specific heat 4.186
      90Deg C – 80Deg C= 10Deg C (Temp diff)
      Temperature Diff x Specific Heat x Mass flow =kW
      10 x 4.186 x 10 = 418.6kW

